I’m a Reader. A Psychic. Although I have never enjoyed that term. Be that as it may, as with most sensitives, my abilities came through noticeably after the proverbial bump on the head. A fractured skull, the result of a fall, did the trick. Music has always been the link to my empathic sense. I could sing any song I heard from the age of 8 months old. I assigned certain songs to the people in my life. For example: As a one-year-old I would sing, ‘The Autumn Leaves’, and tears would run down my face. My teenage Aunt and her friends thought it was the funniest thing they ever saw.
At the time, my Mother was ill. I felt something was terribly wrong. I felt her pain and love and grief. I felt so much, and I had no words, but I had music. I would cry when I sang ‘The Autumn Leaves’ because in my baby’s mind, it was Betty Jane’s song. The haunting melody described all of her and all of me. I was losing her and I knew it. The adults taking care of me did not know this. Two weeks before my second birthday, she crossed over.
I have always had strong feelings about people and situations of which I have no empirical knowledge. Upon meeting someone, a storyboard of information would be available to me about them. As a child, I foolishly voiced my findings. Once, I experienced a certain amount of ridicule for being ‘weird’ from other children. I stopped relating the things I felt and saw. Most gifted children spend lost years playing hide-the-gift.
It wasn’t until my early twenties that I embraced Reading and Healing. I found a way to not see unless I was asked a question. This discovery worked for me, and I no longer had to hide. I began doing Readings for friends and family. What started out as an avocation gradually became a vocation. I have Read for people all over the globe. Celebrities, Hollywood Stars, Grammy Award winners, and people from every walk of life. I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. I am blessed with synesthesia. It makes life interesting. I still sing and write music. That will never stop. Music is my lifeline. I Read better when I am actively connected to my music.
I work as an Intuitive-Empath a question from you induces an accurate flow of storyboard information. I feel the way anyone you ask me about (including you) feels. How we feel is the Truth. We say and do a lot of distracting stuff, but our feelings tell the tale. I work with Pink Light for healing. This gentle light resonates to the higher energies of love, harmony, and peace. You will receive a Pink Light Healing every time I Read for you.
My weekly blog, Friday’s Child will be delivered to your e-box when you sign on for your free subscription. Just hit the SUBSCRIBE icon on the Home Page.
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I am available for Readings 365.
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I look forward to Reading for you soon.
Until then. Sending Love, Light & Oceans of Bliss …
Dr Alexandra Brooks M.Msc., D.
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If you need guidance or some peace in your life please don't ever hesitate to call her. She is always there for you. Thank You Alexandra for what you have given me and how you have made me a stronger person. Love you to pieces.
Rhonda Moreno Gaub, Vacaville CA